How to remove followers on twitter

How to Remove Follower on Twitter?

There are multiple reasons why people might choose to remove followers from their Twitter accounts. They might want to trim down their following list or be following someone who constantly tweets harmful or inflammatory content and want to distance themselves from that person.

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Whatever the reason, removing followers is a personal decision that each Twitter user can make.

How to Remove Followers on Twitter?

Step 1:

Open your Twitter account and tap on “Profile.”

Tap on profile

Step 2:

Once you go to your profile, tap on “Followers.”

Tap on followers

Step 3:

Locate your follower.

Tap on “3 Dotted icons” on the right side of the person’s name.

Tap 3 dotted icon

Step 4:

Tap on “Remove this follower.”

Tap remove this follower

Step 5:

Tap on “Remove” to confirm.

Tao remove to confirm


How to remove fake followers from Twitter?

Make a list of all inactive accounts in your follower list. Locate them one by one > tap remove followers to save your profile from spam activity.

Also Read: How to Log Out of Twitter Account

Can you remove a follower without blocking them?

Yes, go to profile > tap 3 dotted icons on the right > tap remove followers.