Social media has become an inevitable channel for brands, entrepreneurs, and experts to reach out to the audience. It surely has become a pathway to find the eyeballs, bring the people closer, and strengthen their relationship with them.
However, it doesn’t happen on a whim. Instead, it takes a lot of time, energy, and effort to make it happen. Let me tell you something right off the bat: if you ever need to capitalize on social media, it always happens through great content.
Have you ever noticed some companies double-down on their social media posting? Not only do they put out content consistently, but they also stay in the loop to increase social media engagement.
Social media content publishing is the new advertising. Besides spending on online advertising, now brands and influencers are paying close attention to building a fan base on social media platforms. And social media is a huge attention driver to these brands.
It becomes quite easier to pull off if you have a social media goal in mind. Otherwise, you’d be hopping from one social media strategy to another with a vague target in mind.
So you might wonder how on earth you’d come up with a social media goal that takes your social media position to the next level.
Well, no need to panic because that’s where we come in. We’ve been preaching social media strategies for the past few years.
Not only do we keep an eye on the ever-changing social media realm, but we also keep the readers up to speed by posting articles consistently on our company’s blog.
We’d shed some light on what social media goals are before we help you figure out what your social media goals should be.
Don’t worry if you don’t have any social media goals in mind. We’ve got you covered as we have a bunch of social media goals in mind.
Without any further ado, let’s crack this open.
What are Social Media Goals?
Goal setting is a way of idealizing the specific result in mind and taking measures to accomplish that target. And social media goals are no exception.
The social media goals refer to the desired results that we want to see from our social media marketing campaign throughout a certain period.
It’s highly unlikely that your social media goals contradict your overall brand social media marketing strategy because both these things should fall in line to make things work.
The reason why you should define your social media goal is that it’d immensely help you navigate the social media jungle. It’s quite easy to get carried away and lose focus on your social media strategy.
Have you ever followed any beginner YouTuber who is just starting? If you did, then you must have seen them set different social media goals, such as:
- Upload 100+ videos in a year
- Reach 1,000 subscribers in the first year
- Monetize the YouTube channel within a year or so
- Make a video go viral in the next three months
Furthermore, social media goals could be for any social media platform whatsoever. Now, if you’re clear about what social media goals are, let’s transition into the importance of social media goals.
Reasons to Identify Social Media Marketing Goals
Some of the readers might have this burning question, so we decided to shed some light on this topic as well. If you’re curious why a company needs to identify social media marketing goals, then here are the reasons for that:
1. To identify the target audience to reach out
Social media goal-setting helps you figure out who you want to reach out to. Think about creating social media content pointlessly and putting it out on social media platforms. It might not go anywhere. So you’ll be better off if you define a user persona and then come up with the plan to execute.
For example, consider ContentStudio as a leading social media management tool that helps small businesses and entrepreneurs schedule, plan, and publish social media content across multiple platforms. The team behind ContentStudio knows whom to target through their content marketing and social media advertising.
2. To create a content plan that aligns with a targeted audience
Let’s admit that social media is a very crowded space, and the attention span of generation z constituting a major chunk of the social media audience is so short that average content doesn’t stand a chance. So you have to create content that attracts your targeted audience and makes a difference in their lives.
Otherwise, your social media content won’t make much difference no matter how consistently you’re putting it out. It’s essential to comprehend what exactly your audience needs and how you can help them with your suggestions, ideas, and experiences.
3. To set the direction for their social media marketing campaign
Have you ever noticed some YouTubers keep putting out videos on YouTube, but their channels never take off? The problem is that they don’t sense the situation properly. They fail to realize that their content strategy isn’t working, and they must set a different direction for their YouTube channels.
The same thing goes for every other social media network out there. Once you have a social media goal in mind, it gives you a direction to follow along the way. In simple words, a social media goal provides you with a road map about what and who you need to say to on social media.
4. To put in the work without wasting time
One of the perks of establishing a social media goal is that brands or individuals get to decide what their priorities are. Otherwise, it’s quite easy to get carried away on social media.
Have you ever noticed that social media can consume a lot of your time? Think about it: the moment you start scrolling through your Instagram or TikTok feed, you immediately forget what you have been doing, and the next thing you know, half an hour is gone.
Anyway, these were four of the top reasons why you should have a social media goal. The point was to help you comprehend the importance of setting the social media goal.
Without any further ado, let’s get to the cream of this article:
10 Social Media Marketing Goals You Can Set
Here are ten social media goals you can set for your brand:
Goal #1: Build a Brand Awareness
Have you ever seen some companies support certain causes or pledge their financial support to some non-profit organizations? The reason why some companies want to contribute to noble causes is that it spreads the word about brands. When the brand names are used with charities and non-profits, it establishes their goodwill.
Similarly, if you’re a business and trying to set your social media goal, you might want to keep building brand awareness in mind. You don’t have to provide financial aid to any cause. Instead, you could offer a heavy discount to the students, immigrants, or a deprived community.
Canva is a great example of building brand awareness by offering free service to schools and non-profit organizations. Even though the support isn’t available to schools and non-profits worldwide, it still matters a lot.
Furthermore, you can host a free webinar or an event to engage and educate the audience. On the other hand, you can leverage social media platforms to spread the word about it. It’ll surely help you build brand awareness if it’s your social media goal.
Read up on Social Media Algorithms 2022
Goal #2: Manage Brand Reputation
Social media isn’t just about gaining followers and scheduling social media posts. Now influencers and brands use social media platforms to manage their reputation.
Have you ever noticed celebs and politicians immediately express their views on Twitter if something huge has happened and the news is being aired on TV?
The reason why they do is that they want to stay relevant and show that they care about humanity. Plus, brands hop on the bandwagon to manage their brand reputation among the masses.
You may have noticed that a lot of SAAS companies limited their services in Russia after the Russian attack on Ukraine. Upwork joined the list of companies that ceased their operation in Russia.
The gist of this point is that some companies take measures such as offering a discount to a certain segment of the audience or restricting access to a country to manage their brand reputation among the customer/user base.
Also read How Brands Boost Twitter Engagement with Humor?
Goal #3: Drive Traffic to Your Website
Social media is a massive source of driving website traffic, but it doesn’t happen on a whim. It doesn’t happen for most brands and small businesses, anyway. The reason is that they don’t put in the work that is required to turn things around on social media.
If you set website traffic as your social media goal, then you may have to adjust your social media content strategy accordingly. However, it doesn’t mean you only need to push social media followers to visit your website. Instead, it would help if you came up with a plan.
There is no better way of engaging the audience by providing upfront value without forcing them to visit your website.
As far as social media goal-setting is concerned, you could find a middle ground in this situation. What you can do is to provide helpful content on the social media platform and gently ask them to subscribe to your newsletter or visit your website if they enjoy your social media content.
You can find so many examples of companies and experts who drive traffic from social media platforms to their websites. Here’s an example of RankMath:
RankMath is a WordPress SEO plugin that is widely popular among bloggers and SEOs. They also have a YouTube channel, and they’re surely using the YouTube platform to drive visitors to their website.
Goal #4: Generate Leads
Lead generation is a remarkable marketing technique to engage the prospective audience and bring them into the funnel. Not only do brands and entrepreneurs put out content for lead generation, but they also spend money on ads for this. So lead generation can surely be your social media goal.
You might wonder why someone would be interested in lead generation. The answer is that if you have leads in your funnel, it means you have a bunch of users/subscribers that are interested in your offering, whether it’s a product, opt-in bribe, or a free resource.
Emily Dyson is a blogger and affiliate marketer from the UK. She uses this traffic-driving strategy on Twitter. Emily provides upfront value on Twitter and sometimes asks followers to sign up for her email newsletter. Take a look at the screenshot below:
You can use this very tactic of providing value without any expectation on social media and drive traffic to a landing page or company website.
Goal #5: Increase Conversion
Conversion is a key metric to understand how well your sales and marketing strategy is working. Since we’re discussing achievable social media goals, the increasing conversion could be a viable option in the future.
You may have to alter your social media marketing strategies once you start focusing on the conversion. You might have to try out various social media ad platforms as well as different content marketing techniques.
No doubt, social media is an excellent attention driver to websites, blogs, and landing pages as it could significantly increase the conversion rate. It’s highly unlikely that a company that puts in a lot of work into social media doesn’t want to increase conversion through that.
Tony Robbins is an entrepreneur, investor, author, and speaker. You’d find courses, books, and training sessions on his website. And his team knows how to increase conversion using social media. Not only do they put out videos, podcasts, and image content on social media, but they also share blog posts with their followers. As a result, they drive traffic to Tony’s website, and that’s where the conversion happens.
Goal #6: Build a Community
Social media is a crowded space, and influencers are busy putting out valuable, entertaining, or educational content to attract, engage, and convert their target audience. However, a very small percentage of social media influencers don’t always pursue the conversion. Instead, they opt for delivering value without asking for anything in return.
The reason why this small segment of the influencers put the work into social media platforms is that they build a community of loyal followers. So I won’t be surprised if you choose to do the same, meaning if you build a Facebook group and try to help the audience in your niche.
Gary Vaynerchuk is a New York-based entrepreneur, investor, and social media influencer. He preaches to give more than you ask for to win in today’s social media world. He surely has a very dedicated and loyal fan base on Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, and LinkedIn.
Goal #7: Start the Conversations
Have you ever wondered about what you should post on social media but couldn’t come up with anything? If you have been there, then you’re not alone.
Most starters face this problem until they come up with a content plan or they have a rather large audience that keeps on asking questions for you to answer.
I don’t want to over-complicate things for you. All I’m saying is that try to ask questions that you can answer for your audience or share your learning once in a while. Sometimes, sharing a useful tip or telling a story with an educational angle goes a long way.
Check out this tweet from Josh Ho:
All he did was start talking about making $500,000 in passive income in just three months. Look at the number of replies he got on Twitter.
Goal #8: Manage Community Engagement
One of the less-glamorized yet important social media goals could be managing community engagement. It means you could work on managing a community on social media or one should say shift your focus on community engagement for a specific period.
See, we’re discussing what you should choose as your social media goal. What it means is that whatever you opt for would stick with you, at least for a few months. It’s important to have this awareness that what you’re doing on social media is taking you somewhere. Of course, when you’re taking calculated steps forward, you’re not going to mess it up.
Spencer Haws is a blogger and entrepreneur. He has a popular blog on blogging and affiliate marketing called Niche Pursuits. Plus, he also has a Facebook group by the same name. It’s fascinating to see that sometimes Spencer stops by the Facebook group, replies to the members, and posts what he has been up to.
The point is that he stays in touch with his blog community and Facebook followers. And that’s what most entrepreneurs and small business owners can do; it could surely be their social media goal.
Goal #9: Deliver Social Customer Service
Customer service is an essential management area for B2C businesses. If you haven’t figured out your social media goal for your business, then you could consider paying attention to using social media for customer service.
I don’t think you’ll be the first one to do this, as a lot of companies use Twitter and Facebook to harbor their customer base and deliver customer care service. You might come across media and support Twitter accounts from organizations and companies that have already been doing this.
For example, Snapchat has a support account on Twitter called Snapchat Support:
Goal #10: Social Media Recruiting
Social media recruitment is getting popular these days. Many recruitment agencies integrate social media networks like LinkedIn and Twitter with their recruitment process to hunt for prospective candidates.
Have you had a chance to receive a notification on LinkedIn about hiring in your industry? I get those notifications on LinkedIn all the time. The gist of the point is that social media recruitment could be your social media goal, especially if you’re having a hard time finding the right candidate for your company.
Quick Tips To Set Achievable Social Media Goals
Most of us who are putting out content on YouTube, TikTok, LinkedIn, Instagram, or Pinterest want to grow reach on these social media platforms.
Perhaps, you have some vague goals in mind to accomplish, but that’s not what you need. Instead, you need to figure out how to set achievable social media goals. And, lucky for you because we’re going to help you set your social media goals right away.
Do read How to Build an Accomplished Social Media Team for Your Agency
Following are the steps you need to take if you’re feeling stuck in your social media goal-setting:
#1. Recognize your strengths
Before we start pondering the social media goals to choose, it’s essential to recognize your strength. It only makes social media goal-setting smoother and easier. The idea behind recognizing your strengths is to become self-aware.
You might want to sign up for something you’re not good at and end up wasting time, money, and energy. So figure out what you’re good at and then decide about social media goal-setting. Suppose you’re planning on starting a YouTube channel, but you don’t like being on the camera or recording your voice. So it won’t work out.
#2. Handpick fewer social media platforms
You don’t want to spread yourself too thin. It’s always best to pick fewer social media platforms to dominate the niche or reach out to the right segment of the audience. The same strategy works for social media goal-setting.
You might want to gain your first thousand YouTube subscribers and Instagram followers at the same time. The key to crushing in with your social media goal is sticking to one thing and don’t hop on to something else without giving it a proper time.
#3. Bring your uniqueness to the table
Your uniqueness is one of your biggest strengths on social media. When you’re all set to make a social media goal, pay close attention to your personality, liking, and taste.
If you’re having a hard time figuring out your uniqueness, then opt for the thing you feel good about, or you could do better than your peers. Don’t hesitate to add your flavor to it. It works out very well when you use your unique angle to see certain things on social media.
#4. Keep track of your progress
One of the essentials of setting achievable social media goals is the ability to measure progress. It’s good to keep a check and balance on your progress. If you can’t measure your progress, then perhaps you’re doing something wrong, or there is a loophole in the process.
#5. Learn from the best in business
Just like in most cases, you can’t make it without learning from the experts and influencers of the social media industry. Try to learn the processes, techniques, and strategies from the experts that have done this before you. Most of the gurus and experts in the social media marketing industry often share their work ethics and strategies. So all you need is to follow their footprints to move forward.
How Contentstudio Helps You Achieve Your Social Media Goals
ContentStudio is a state-of-the-art social media management tool for small and mid-sized businesses, entrepreneurs, influencers, and marketing agencies. Not only does it help you streamline your social media content scheduling, but it also assists you in navigating your social media marketing campaign.
This social media management software is equipped with a handful of tools such as Planner, Content Calendar, Content Discovery, Influencer Discovery, Analytics, Social Inbox, Approval Workflow, Workspace, and much more.
One of the perks of using this social media marketing tool is that it seamlessly integrates with dozens of other marketing tools and services.
Most influencers and social media gurus use some social media management tool to run their social media channels. Let’s me share how ContentStudio helps in achieving your social media goals:
Hands-off social media publishing across all major social platforms
ContentStudio is a state-of-the-art social media management tool that helps you schedule your content across multiple platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, and LinkedIn.
There are dozens of social media scheduling platforms out there that are offering the scheduling service, but most of them are limited to Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn. Therefore, ContentStudio stands out without a doubt.
Analyze, Understand, and Improve Your Social Strategy
Stack your key social metrics against those of your competitors and make targeted steps towards social media success.
14 days free trial – no credit card requiredSocial media management for multiple brands
One of the best features of ContentStudio is “Workspaces,” which allows users to manage social media management for multiple brands at once. A user can switch from brand A to brand B with a single click.
Therefore, you don’t need separate social media management tools or accounts to manage multiple clients. It comes in handy when you’re a social media expert working for several clients at the same time. Plus, if you’re a business owner who manages multiple social media profiles across different brands, ContentStudio is the solution you need.
Quick integration with other marketing tools
ContentStudio flawlessly integrates with several email marketing and opt-in tools that help in scaling your business. Besides social media platforms, you can integrate your ContentStudio account with several types of tools such as URL shorteners, video platforms, stock photo sites, image customization tools, and more.
Effective discoverability features
The discovery features are probably the least talked about features of ContentStudio, but they’re quite helpful for social media growth. You could either discover content in your genre or find the influencers within the ContentStudio dashboard. Discoverability is one of the traits that easily puts ContentStudio on a pedestal.
Content calendar setup made easy
If your social media goal is to post on social media platforms consistently, then ContentStudio could help you schedule your content without a doubt. However, it doesn’t end here because this tool also has a Content Planner feature, which is a content calendar that shows the scheduling calendar and assists you in figuring out when to schedule a certain piece of content.
RSS feeder to skyrocket your social media growth
ContentStudio now has an RSS feeder that allows you to add an RSS address to your ContentStudio account for fetching blog content through the RSS feed. What it means is that you don’t have to manually copy and paste the URL and titles to schedule or share via the ContentStudio tool, but instead, it does that automatically using the RSS feed.

Plan, Organize and Schedule Your Social Content
Experience an organized workflow to streamline your social media posts. Increase your productivity and boost social engagement.
14 days free trial – no credit card requiredWhat’s Your Social Media Goal?
Social media goal setting isn’t something everyone is going to do. Therefore, if you choose an excellent social media goal, you’re halfway through the journey.
Anyway, we shared ten social media goals that anyone can pick along the way.
Let us know what social media goal you have in mind. You can email us at [email protected].