30+ Twitter Statistics You Need to Know in 2023

30+ X (formally Twitter) Statistics You Need to Know in 2024

Twitter isn’t just your average social media platform anymore. It’s become a full-on cultural phenomenon that’s changing the game. This bad boy has transformed the way we communicate, smashed down barriers, and connected people from all over the world like never before.

Also Read: How does Twitter Algorithm Work in 2024? 15 Hacks to Beat It

Whether you’re following breaking news, trying to connect with customers, or keeping up with the latest trends, Twitter’s got your back. And guess what? I’ve got 30+ Twitter statistics that’ll blow your mind and fill you in on all the juicy deets you need to know.

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So, are you ready to get the lowdown on what’s hot and what’s not on the crazy blue bird app this year? You bet you are! Let’s get this Twitter-statistic party started!

Top Twitter Statistics

Let’s kick it off with some fire general Twitter statistics that’ll make you go, “Whoa!”:

  • Advertising made up a whopping 90% of Twitter’s revenue in 2022. (Source: Twitter Q4 2022 earnings report)
  • Twitter still brought in a total of $4.4 billion in revenue in 2022, even with an 11% decline year-on-year. (Source: Twitter Q4 2022 earnings report)
  • There are 368 million daily active Twitter users and 63 million users in the US alone, making it the 15th most popular social network on the planet. (Source: Oberlo)
  • The OG Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey sent the very first tweet on March 21st, 2006. (Source: Twitter)
  • The hashtag revolution was brought to Twitter by Chris Messina on August 23rd, 2007. (Source: Twitter)
  • The undisputed king of Twitter is none other than @BarackObama, with more followers than you can shake a stick at! (Source: Twitter Counter)
  • Source: Statista

twitter accounts with most followers

  • The most popular brand account on Twitter is YouTube, followed by @CNNBRK (CNN Breaking News), and then @Twitter at third place. (Source: Social Blade)

Related Read: Twitter Marketing Strategy: How I’ve Grown My Twitter Account

Twitter Usage Statistics

Thought those were cool? Wait till your check out these Twitter Usage stats:

  • There are over 353 million active Twitter users worldwide, with a quarter of the adults in the United States using the platform. (Source: Hootsuite)
  • Over 500 million tweets are sent every day on Twitter. Yep, you read that right. Five. Freaking. Hundred. Million. (Source: Hootsuite) Source: vladimerbotsvadze.wordpress

tweets sent daily on twitter

  • The average Twitter user spends around 3.39 minutes per session with all users spending an average of 5.1 hours per month on the app. (Source: Business of Apps)
  • 80% of Twitter users access the platform via mobile devices. (Source: Hootsuite)
  • A significant portion of Twitter’s under-30 user base (20%) visits the site so often that it’s difficult to keep track. (Source: Business of Apps)
  • According to the data released on the company’s self-service advertising tools, Twitter’s user base could potentially reach an impressive 556.0 million users in the beginning of January 2024. (Source: Twitter)
  • A survey conducted among Twitter users has found that 46% of them believe that using the platform has helped them gain a better understanding of world events. (Source: Hootsuite)

Also Read: How Brands Boost Twitter Engagement With Humor

Twitter Demographic Statistics

Trying to figure out if your target market is on Twitter? Apart from making use of Twitter tools to boost your marketing efforts, these demographic stats are exactly what you’re looking for:

  • 53.5% of Twitter users are male, and 46.5% are female. (Source: Oberlo)
  • The biggest age group on Twitter is the 25-34 squad, so if that’s your target market, you’re in luck. (Source: Hootsuite)
  • The countries with the most active Twitter users are the good ol’ USA (with a minimum of 95.4 million users), Japan (with a minimum of 67.5 million users), and India (with a minimum of 27.3 million users). (Source: Statista)
  • Twitter users tend to have higher incomes and education levels compared to the general population, so if you’re looking to target the high rollers and intellectuals, Twitter’s where it’s at. (Source: Hootsuite)

Twitter Advertising Statistics

What’s that? A bunch of cool Twitter advertising stats? Alrightie, coming right up!

  • Twitter’s ad engagement rates have gone up a whopping 35% year-over-year. That’s what we call a success story. (Source: Twitter Q2 2022 shareholder letter)

Also Read: How to Go Viral on Twitter in 2024

  • The average cost-per-click for a Twitter ad is a cool $0.38. (Source: Hootsuite)

average cost-per-click for a Twitter ad

  • Promoted tweets can boost purchase intent by a massive 53%. That’s a lot of extra sales, you guys.
  • Twitter video ads are killin’ it with an impressive completion rate of 80%. You can bet your bottom dollar people are watching those videos (Source: Twitter)
  • People are spending 26% more time checking out ads on Twitter compared to other social media platforms. (Source: Twitter)
  • Twitter brought in $1.08 billion in advertising revenue in Q2 of 2022, with a 2% increase. (Source: Twitter Q2 2022 shareholder letter)
  • Twitter ads have the potential to reach a mind-blowing 5.8% of the world’s population over the age of 13. That’s a whole lot of peeps! (Source: Hootsuite)
  • First View, Twitter’s feature that showcases video ads at the top of a user’s timeline, has been found to increase video viewing time by 1.4 times. Talk about a game-changer.
  • The average ROI for Twitter ads is 40% higher than other channels. Do you know what that means? More bang for your buck! (Source: Twitter)
  • The Cost-per-engagement (CPE) for video ads has decreased by 50%. (Source: Twitter)
  • Twitter has a potential ad reach of a whopping 544.5 million. Do you know what that means? The sky’s the limit! (Source: Hootsuite)

Twitter Publishing Statistics

Next up, we’ve got some publishing tweets stats:

  • Short and sweet tweets are the way to go with the ideal length being 71-100 characters. (Source: Twitter)
  • Don’t forget to hashtag it! Tweets with hashtags get 100% more engagement than those without. (Source: Twitter)
  • Images are where it’s at with tweets! Tweets with images receive 150% more retweets than those without. (Source: Twitter)
  • When it comes to tweeting, it’s all about Wednesdays and Thursdays – that’s when Twitter users are most active. (Source: Sprout Social)

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most active days on twitter

  • Soccer is the top sports people tweet about the most on Twitter. Who knew? (Source: Hootsuite)
  • Did you know that 77% of Twitter users have a more favorable view of brands that prioritize community and society? (Source: Twitter)
  • One day’s worth of tweets would fill a 10-million-page book. Now that’s a lot of tweets! (Source: Twitter)

Twitter Engagement Statistics

And of course, how can we forget the good ol’ engagement stats?

  • The average engagement rate for a tweet on Twitter is 0.046%. So, if you’re getting higher than that, you’re killing it! (Source: Rival IQ)
  • Hashtags are the real MVPs on Twitter, with tweets that include them having a 55% higher chance of being retweeted. And with around 125 million hashtags used on Twitter every day, you’ve got plenty of options to choose from. (Source: HubSpot & Rival IQ) Source: Echez Group

hashtags on twitter

  • Marketers are still raving about Twitter Spaces, with 79% of them continuing to use it. So, if you’re not using Spaces yet, it’s time to hop on board. (Source: Social Media Today)
  • When it comes to engagement, video content is king. Tweets stats show that tweets with videos receive a whopping 10 times more engagement than those without. Time to get creative! (Source: Hootsuite)
  • Using 1-2 hashtags on a tweet can increase engagement by 21%, so don’t be shy with those hashtags. (Source: HubSpot)
  • Tweets with GIFs are also winners, receiving 55% more engagement than those without. So add some spice to your tweets with a little bit of animation. (Source: Hootsuite)

Also Read: Social Media Engagement: 10 Easy Ways to Improve it

  • The average Twitter user has 707 followers, so if you’re in that range, you’re doing just fine. (Source: Business of Apps)
  • Asking for a retweet can boost your engagement by 73%, so don’t be afraid to ask your followers to spread the word. (Source: HubSpot)
  • Shockingly, 391 million Twitter users have no followers at all. Let’s all take a moment of silence for them. (Source: Oberlo)
  • The top 10% of Twitter users are responsible for a whopping 92% of the tweets in the U.S. So, if you’re not in that top 10%, don’t worry, you’re not alone. Keep tweeting and you’ll get there. (Source: Business Insider)

Twitter Platform Statistics

Time to get into some spicy Twitter platform stats! Here are a few things you need to know:

  • According to a Hootsuite survey, Twitter is the 7th most popular social media platform in the world, even though it only ranks 15th in terms of monthly active users. So, it’s definitely a platform worth considering for your brand.

Twitter is the 7th most popular social media platform in the world

  • 30% of consumers want to see more of their favorite brands on Twitter, so if you’re not already on the platform, you might be missing out on some serious engagement opportunities. (Source: Brandwatch)
  • Twitter’s market capitalization as of September 2022 is $29.56 billion, which means it’s still one of the big players in the social media game (Source: Statista)
  • And finally, the “Tears of joy” ???? emoji takes the crown for the most-used emoji on Twitter, racking up over 2 billion uses in 2019 alone. So, if you’re not using this emoji in your tweets, you might want to reconsider. (Source: Emojipedia)

Twitter Business Statistics

Last but not the least, here are some business statistics for all my professional peeps out there.

  • Did you know that 16% of internet users aged 16-64 use Twitter to conduct brand research? That means having a strong presence on the platform is crucial for businesses to reach potential customers. (Source: Hootsuite)

twitter for brand research

  • Over half of Twitter’s audience (that’s 54%) is more likely to purchase new products. That’s a huge impact on consumer behavior, and it shows just how important it is for businesses to engage with their audience on Twitter. (Source: Hootsuite)
  • If you’re a B2B content marketer, you’re in good company – 82% of your peers are using Twitter to reach their audience. (Source: Content Marketing Institute)
  • With 79% of Twitter users following brands, there’s a lot of potential for businesses to connect and engage with their target audience on the platform. (Source: Twitter)
  • When it comes to ROI, Twitter drives a 40% greater return than other social media channels. That’s a pretty compelling reason to invest in your Twitter strategy! (Source: Twitter)
  • Launching your marketing campaigns on Twitter can help you reach your KPIs 2.3 times more effectively. That’s a serious boost for your marketing objectives. (Source: Twitter Q2 2022 shareholder letter)

Considering all the above information, I think it’s safe to say Twitter is the king of social media platforms in 2024. The user base is legit amazing, and the engagement stats keep climbing year after year. Plus, we’re talking billions of tweets every day and advertising revenue that’s off the charts.

With that said, the platform is a total powerhouse that brands and individuals just can’t afford to ignore. It’s like having a secret weapon in your social media arsenal that lets you absolutely slay the competition.

So, whether you’re a business looking to up your game and expand your reach or a casual user wondering about the latest trends and events, Twitter is definitely the platform to watch out for in 2024 and beyond.


Which industries are seeing the most success with Twitter advertising in 2023?

In 2023, industries such as e-commerce, technology, and media are expected to see the most success with Twitter advertising. With the rise of online shopping and digital media consumption, Twitter offers a valuable opportunity for businesses to connect with their target audiences and drive revenue.

How can businesses improve their Twitter engagement in 2023?

To improve Twitter engagement in 2023, businesses should focus on creating content that’s timely, relevant, and engaging. That means using videos, images, and hashtags to increase visibility and encourage interactions. Plus, businesses need to be super responsive to customer inquiries and complaints, as social media users expect quick and personalized customer service.

What are the most effective ways to engage with Twitter users?

To engage with Twitter users, you have to create tweets that are lit, with visuals like images or GIFs. Tweets with images get 150% more retweets, while tweets with GIFs get 55% more engagement. Oh, and don’t be afraid to ask for that retweet – it can increase your retweets by 73%.

What types of content are most popular on Twitter in 2023?

In 2023, video content continues to dominate on Twitter. Tweets with video content receive 10 times more engagement than those without, and Twitter video ads have a completion rate of 80%. So, if you’re not using video in your Twitter strategy, you’re missing out on some major clout.

What are some Twitter advertising trends to watch out for in 2023?

Twitter advertising is becoming more personalized and interactive in 2023. One trend to watch out for is personalized ads, which use data from a user’s Twitter activity to deliver ads that are more relevant to their interests. Another trend is interactive ads, which let users engage with the ad directly in their Twitter feed. It’s like Twitter is leveling up, and you don’t wanna miss the party.